One of the smartest ways for an organization to foster success is to invest in its top talent. Without these motivated and innovative star performers, the chance for a company’s growth is slim. They are vital in maintaining and steering the direction of a business. Not only do top talent, or High-Potential Employees (HiPOs), fuel their own success, but they ignite motivation in those that surround them. 

An organization must take time to develop and nurture its top talent in order to ensure retention and loyalty. But how do I identify top talent?

Before time and energy is expended to foster these high performers, it is necessary to identify which employees deserve these efforts. Not every employee will be self-motivated. Not every employee will produce the best outcomes. Not every employee will decide to stay long-term. Not every employee will have that “it” factor. But some employees will. Some employees will go above and beyond. Some employees will be well-worth the investment. So, how do you spot them?

Although it will be prudent to use assessment tools, you can start your search through pure observation. Keep an eye out for employees with these characteristics: 

They are Passionate.

Skills can be taught through time and effort. No amount of energy or money can be spent to teach someone how to be passionate and care about their job. The spark in their eye when they’ve reached a goal is undeniable. The passionate employee will be committed to improving and growing their skills. If someone genuinely likes what they do, an air of positivity surrounds them. You will want this type of energy to maintain and flourish your company in years to come.  

They are Well-Liked.

A well-liked employee has many acquaintances which means they will have many professional connections. These connections will prove vital with networking and getting the job done. Through different collaborations and professional relationships, they will develop important communication skills, which are necessary for any leadership role. And let’s face it- we all want a likeable leader. 

They are Eager to Succeed.

High-Potential Employees will have a desire to reach goals and perform at their best. You should look for employees who take creative and innovative steps in their work. This individual will have an innate and autonomous work-ethic. They won’t need their superiors to constantly push them to reach deadlines or goals. They will take initiative and will be eager to take on leadership roles. Believe us- you’ll want these people on your team. 

They Exemplify your Company’s Culture.

Individuals who naturally align with your company’s mission and values are valuable resources. They seem to just “fit” without extra effort. These employees are invested in the goals and future of the company. Not only will they work with these values in mind, but they will also lead and motivate otherwise around them. 

They Appreciate Constructive Criticism. 

No one likes to be criticized. For HiPO’s, however, they not only accept but appreciate helpful feedback. This feedback helps them to adjust and improve in their role. If an employee does not take this feedback well, or if they do not take action to improve, they may not be a future leader. 

They are Inherently Curious.

Curiosity is one of the strongest indicators of identifying a HiPO employee. For starters, if an employee is curious, that means at a minimum they’re paying attention. Like full fledged managers, they want to understand how entire processes work. Be sure to keep your eye out for curiosity!

Many of these characteristics can be found in those who have a high Emotional Intelligence. These individuals will remain even-keel in high pressure situations and will be able to think with a clear head. They also possess empathy towards others, which is a very important trait when leading a company. They will be motivated by the goals of the company instead of power or money. 

Take a moment our of your busy day to objectively evaluate your employees for these traits. You don’t want to lose one of these extremely valuable employees.

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